Quentin Tarantino

Q TarantinoQuentin Tarantino born in Knoxville, Tennessee, grew up an avid film fan and worked in a video rental store while training to act. His career began
in the late 1980s, when he wrote and directed My Best Friend’s Birthday;
its screenplay would form the basis for True Romance. In the early
1990s, he began his career as an independent filmmaker with the release of Reservoir Dogs (1992). He dropped out of high school because he felt he could teach himself more than the public school system.

His second film, Pulp Fiction (1994), a neo-noir crime film that became
a major critical and commercial success, widely regarded as one of the greatest  films of all time. Paying homage to 1970s blaxploitation films, Tarantino released Jackie Brown in 1997, an adaptation of the novel Rum Punch. The  eccentric director behind such highly regarded films as “Reservoir  Dogs,” “Pulp Fiction” and “Inglorious Basterds”

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